与莱切斯特队区别,斯坎索普队犹如必定要在升级之后拚命反抗,此役对阵卡迪夫城队(Cardiff City Team)实在计无所出。蓝鸟(Blue Jays)在镇守卡迪夫球场的首场暂行角逐中势必士气上升,这个世界不相信眼泪。
Much as I would love to see him play again for my local team, Cardiff City, a huge part of me also hopes his proposed transfer to Liverpool goes through.
虽然我内心希望贝拉米能为我的主队,卡迪夫城效力。 但是出于更对对他的喜爱,我更愿意看到他和利物浦的转会协议能够顺利进行。
The 20-year-old midfielder has now rejoined Cardiff City, the team where he began his career, for a month, in order to improve his match sharpness and fitness.