卡尔·齐默:卡尔·齐默(英语:Carl Zimmer,1966年—)是一位美国科普作家、博客作者、科学新闻记者,《纽约时报》、《国家地理》、《发现》等杂志专栏作家,耶鲁大学摩尔斯学院和分子生物物理学与生物化学教授。齐默还经常发表演讲,并出现在许多广播节目中,包括全国公共广播电台的 Radiolab、Fresh Air 和This American Life。
abstract:Carl Zimmer (born 1966) is a popular science writer and blogger, especially regarding the study of evolution and parasites. He has written several books and contributes science essays to publications such as The New York Times, Discover, and National Geographic.
Redfield was presenting her results at a scientific meeting, the Joint Congress of Evolutionary Biology, tonight, and CarlZimmer was live-blogging her talk.
Just five days after the news broke, CarlZimmer, one of the finest science writers working today, was out with a piece in Slate, pulling all the critiques together.
New York Times science writer CarlZimmer and a host of other science writers and scientists have joined to create Download the Universe, a new site that reviews science ebooks.