新疆塑料协会-新疆塑料信息网 关键词:柔性塑料保温管;介质管;保温层;夹克管 [gap=472]Key words: flexible plastic insulation pipes;carrier-pipe;heat-insulation;jacket-pipe
carrier pipe [建] 输送管 ; 铁管导轮
pipe carrier 管托 ; 导管支座 ; 运管船
ash carrier pipe 输灰管
plough-carrier pipe 爬犁载管
ethylene carrier pipe 乙烯输送管
pipe-carrier-class supply vessel 载管级供应船
stand pipe carrier 铁管导轮座
The main structure of the evaporator and the condenser is the carrier pipe of the carrier refrigerant and the aluminum radiating fins on the carrier.
The fabrication technology by injecting slurry moulding method for high temperature porous ceramic filter pipe carrier used for coal purgation was investigated.
The heat carrier heating, blow down and liquid recovery pipeline of the transfer pipe was changed.