... great minds think alike英雄所见略同 center around them 为这么他们转。。围着女人转 i couldn't agree more 我完全同意啊 ...
This enables an IT operator to (virtually) fly around his or her data center and start and stop components as needed, watch out for alerts, react to them, and so on.
这使得 IT 操作员能够(可视化地)在他或她的数据中心周围飞行,并根据需要启动和停止组件,密切注意警报,对警报做出反应等等。
Develop the related subtopics around this central topic, connecting each of them to the center with a line.
To create an "in-the-dream" atmosphere, they put the audience in the center of the theater and the cast performed around them.