... 骺骨化中心,次级骨化中心 epiphyseal center 骨化点 center ossification; ossification point 初级骨化 primary ossification ...
骨化中心 center ossification; centrum ossificationis; growth center of bone; o ificatio ..
primary center ossification 初级骨化中心 ; 初级原始骨化中心
ossification center [生理] 骨化中心
secondary ossification center [组织] 次级骨化中心 ; 骨化中心 ; 继发骨化点
primary ossification center [组织] 初级骨化中心 ; 化中习
epiphyseal ossification center [组织] 次级骨化中心
diaphysial center of ossification 干骨化中心
Phalange recognition mainly rely on ossification center, so the location of ossification center is key to phalange recognition.
The graph of phalange projection has obvious fluctuations but has much noise which will influence the results of ossification center location, so it is very important to reduce noise of projection.
Objective To observe the occurring time of the primary ossification center of the fetus' cranium viscerale.