...殿身涂以黄、白两色,黄色代表佛教,白色代表婆罗门教。王宫最初为木结构,后改建为水泥结构,但保持了原来的风貌。 中央市场(Central Market): 1935年至1937年由法国建筑师设计建造的,十字形圆顶建筑,从空中俯视就像一个巨型电风扇。建筑内部无梁无柱,四通八达。
Central Market (中环街市), skyscraper,skyscrapers,high-rise,tower,architecture,real estate,skyline,cityscape,construction,cities,infrastructure,b...
Adelaide Central Market 中央市场 ; 阿德莱德中央市场 ; 地方市场 ; 莱德中心市场
Grand Central Market 中央市场 ; 洛杉矶中央市场 ; 中央大市场 ; 大中央果菜市场
the Central Market 中央市场
Riga Central Market 中央大市场 ; 里加中央市场
Central Market Hall 中央市场大厅 ; 匈牙利布达佩斯的中央市集大厅 ; 中央市场
Old Central Market 老中央市场
Sibu Central Market 诗巫中央市场
Valencia Central Market 瓦伦西亚中央市场
Its central market does a brisk trade.
DON't go to the central market-it's much too dangerous.
Your best bet is to get the flowers at the Central Market but you absolutely must go early in the morning.
At the central market in Baomahun, business is booming.
VOA: standard.2010.04.22
What Paulson wants to do is make that official that the Fed is no longer just a central bank; it's a market stability regulator.
President Barack Obama has a plan to deal with a central cause of the economic crisis: America's troubled housing market.
VOA: special.2009.02.20