... 国家奖学金 National Scholarship 注册金融策划师 Certified Financial Planner(CFP) 进党积极分子 Applicant for Party Membership ...
中国金融理财标准委员会在成为国际CFP组织正式成员前,以下简称AFP)和国际金融理财师(Certified Financial Planner韵录虺艭FP)认证制度。
Certified Financial Planner CFP 注册金融策划师
CFP-Certified Financial Planner 注册金融策划师
International Certified Financial Planner 规划师 ; 国际注册理财规划师
CFP Certified Financial Planner 国际金融理财师 ; 国际认可的理财师
CFP or certified financial planner 是需要严格资格认证
以上来源于: WordNet
Schedule a meeting with a certified financial planner to go over the basics of a retirement plan or bone up with our retirement guide.
One of fastest and most effective way to do this is to read, according to Irene Davis, a certified financial planner and certified public accountant.
"It's like the facts of life talk with our kids; no one wants to have it, but you have to do it," says Eleanor Blayney, consumer advocate for the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards.