Chance to blind on hit 击中时导致目盲
chance to be hit 被击中几率
Chance to slow on hit 击中时导致缓速
Chance to stun on hit 击中时导致眩晕
Chance to fear on hit 击中时导致恐惧
Chance to chill on hit 击中时导致冰冷
Chance to freeze on hit 击中时导致冻结
Chance to knockback on hit 击中时导致击退
Chance to immobilize on hit 击中时导致定身
Your melee attacks have a X% chance to hit all nearby enemies.
Racial Resistances: These can now be mitigated against by gaining additional chance to hit.
Focused Aim doesn't affect Aimed Shot anymore and now also increases your chance to hit by 1/2/3%.