7、国籍(Citizenship) 该项一般为选择形式,如果是二选一的形式,申请者只需选择“International”(另一项为“US Citizen”)即可(选择该选项时,系...
Roman citizenship 罗马公民 ; 罗马人
country of citizenship 国籍 ; 国藉
duel citizenship 双重国籍 ; 两重国籍 ; 单重国籍 ; 双重
corporate citizenship 企业公民 ; 公司公民 ; 企业国民 ; 企业公平易近
Citizenship Act 公民法 ; 入籍法 ; 公民法案 ; 新入籍法
citizenship paper 公民证书
global citizenship 全球公民资格
dual citizenship 双重国籍 ; 双国籍
organizational citizenship behavior 组织公民行为 ; 年提出了组织公民行为 ; 组织成员行为 ; 提出组织公民行为
N-UNCOUNT If you have citizenship of a country, you are legally accepted as belonging to it. 公民身份
After 15 years in the U.S., he has finally decided to apply for American citizenship.
N-UNCOUNT Citizenship is the fact of belonging to a community because you live in it, and the duties and responsibilities that this brings. 公民义务和责任
Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship.