The city is under threat from a plague of rats.
During the terrible siege of Leningrad in World War II, for example, emaciated citizens, having eaten all the birds, dogs and rats in the city, finally resorted to feasting on their own kind.
By July King Charles had fled and ill-advised instructions to eradicate all the cats and dogs in the city sent the rat population skyrocketing -- rats carried the fleas that carried the disease.
到了七月,当时的国王查尔斯二世被迫离开伦敦,临走前做出了导致瘟疫扩散更快的错误决定。 他下令宰杀了城中所有的猫狗致使鼠患成灾,而老鼠身上的跳蚤正是传播瘟疫的始作俑者。