An Extensible Markup Language Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP) server allows mobile devices and applications that support an XCAP client to manage group information.
采用可扩展标记语言配置访问协议(Extensible Markup Language Configuration Access Protocol, XCAP)服务器,允许支持XCAP客户机的移动设备和应用程序管理组信息。
Enterprise Information Portals 7.1 support is available in the content wizard if the EIP 7.1 client has been correctly configured on the plugin.
如果在插件上已经正确配置了EIP 7.1客户机,则可以在内容向导中使用Enterprise Information Portals 7.1支持。
No change is required to the client application program to enable this support, as the handler is able to create the message headers from existing information.