tolerant clon 耐性克隆
mutant clon 突变克隆
Clon Victory 酷龙
yo clon yourself 我们会被复制
Tourmonthly clon 包括飞轮擒纵结构 ; 飞轮擒纵布局 ; 陀飞轮
forbidden clon 禁忌细胞系
proved clon 真无性系
killer clon 灭口小丑 ; 杀人小丑
One mosaic variation clon of Citrus microcarpa was found by authors, which presented different yellow green inlays on leaves, shoots and fruits.
Having a stunning visual impact as the eyeballs and ears in Clon poster series, or the interpenetrating visuals like "Fusion" and "Solidarity" posters, revitalizing the gracefulness of human emotions.
有具震撼力的视觉效果如 “克隆”系列海报的眼球和耳朵;或综合交错的视觉意象如 “融合”和 “团结”主题海报,所焕发著人类优美的感情。