Valuator of Closely Held Business 估价师 ; 公司估价师
Other energy-unit acquisitions this year included the waste-heat power generation business of closely held Calnetix Inc. for an undisclosed sum.
本年度的其他能源部门收购还包括掌握余热能源发电业务关键技术的 Calnetix Inc,但具体数额尚未公布。
'But when you decide you're going to go into China it's a commitment,' said Charles F. Myers, the closely held company's director of international business development.
但这家非上市公司的国际业务开发负责人梅尔斯(Charles F . Myers)说,当你决定要进入中国的时候,这是一个承诺。
Closely held: For a closely held corporation, incorporation should usually take place in the state where the corporation's principal place of business is located.