研究生提交与其他作者(含其他研究生)署名共同第一作者(co-first author)的SCI论文,每一作者所得的影响因子,按其论文影响因子和作者人数均分计算。原则上该论文应与研究生本人的学位论文相关。
May Han, a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford and co-first author of the paper.
May Han是斯坦福大学的博士后学者和这篇文章的共同首作者。
During the first year, one of the meetings held at the University featured Ivar Jacobson, co-author of the original UML specification.
在第一年,一次在大学的会议上邀请到了Ivar Jacobson, UML的提出者之一。
Rivest first taught the course in the fall of 1975, and his co-author Charles Leiserson, a professor of computer science and engineering, began teaching it soon after arriving at MIT in 1981.