The type coercion rules have changed to preserve types in arrays (more often), rather than converting to the type of a Python scalar.
改变了类型强制规则,以保持数组(更为常见)中的类型 ,而不是转换为 Python 标量的类型。
Reading a parameter value can be marginally expensive (because of type coercion). Therefore, it makes sense to cache the parameter value, at least while the component is actively rendering itself.
The data type of the literal may undergo further coercion according to the rules described above.
The format is the same. I'm going to ask for some input, and then I am going to use that procedure to check, is this the right type of value. And I'm trying to use that to do the coercion if you like. Same thing if it works, I'm going to skip that, if it not, it's going to throw the exception.