准/规范中文名: 冷成形钢框架构筑.侧面设计 标准/规范英文名: Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Lateral Design 批准日期: 2004 翻译进度: 待翻译 标准号&标准中文名&标准英文名: ANSI/AISI COFS/LATERA
04 中文名称: 冷成型钢结构.锻造机设计 英文名称: Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Header Design 页数: 8 采用标准: 被替代标准: 归口单位: 引用标准: 分类号: P26 发布日期: 2004
Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing 冷轧成型钢架的标准
cold-formed steel framing wall 冷弯型钢骨架墙体
cold-formed steel framing dwelling 冷弯型钢骨架结构住宅
cold-formed steel framing wall studs 冷弯型钢骨架墙体立柱
cold-formed thin-walled steel framing 冷弯薄壁型钢骨架住宅
The structural system, load paths, design conception, problems and countermeasures of low-rise cold-formed steel framing dwellings are introduced in this paper.
The cold-formed thin-wall steel framing system has been used more and more commonly in China.