... Periodontics 牙周病学 2 Endodontics 齿髓学 3 Orthodontics 牙齿矫正学 工程科学学院(college of engineering and science) 1 Chemistry 化学硕士 2 Civil and Environmental Engineering 城市环境工程硕士 3 Computer Science 电脑科学硕士 4 Electrica...
... 牙医学院 School of Dentistry 工程及科学院 College of Engineering and Science 健康学院 College of Health Professions ...
College of Science and Engineering 科学与工程学院 ; 理工学院 ; 自然科学和工程学院 ; 科学工程学院
He attended college at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he took part in a program with IBM and in 1963 he received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.
He hopes his son, 17, chooses a college based on the quality of its engineering, food-science or accounting program, and majors in one of those subjects.
College of Material Science and Engineering, Soochow University; Department of Chemistry, Soochow University; Shandong University.