不外,据知,由沙地王子阿瓦立德(Alwaleed bin Talal)和私募基金菌落资本(Colony Capital) 一向只做加盟店的快8立例在华开设齐球首家直营店,目前第一家直营店刚刚刚刚在镇江。
以上来源于: WordNet
In Jackson, Barrack saw the sort of undervalued asset his private equity firm, Colony Capital, had succeeded with in the past.
从杰克逊身上,汤姆·巴拉克看到了殖民地资本公司(Colony Capital)过去一贯赖以成功的机缘,即被低估的资产。
The altercations between Mr Pelisson and his board (and two big shareholders, Colony Capital and Eurazeo) centred on the group's property divestments and on the pace and model of its expansion.
pelisson先生与董事会(及两大股东Colony Capital和Eurazeo)间的争论主要集中在集团的物业资产剥离和集团扩张速度与模式两个问题上。
The talent is a colony with special human capital in human resources, and the outstanding one among them.