...辣椒都只存在于墨西哥中东部(Central East Mexico,这一地区包括了如今的美国新墨西哥州)。哥伦布大交换(Columbian Exchange)指的是 1492 年之后,旧世界和美洲新大陆之间就动物和植物进行了广泛大量的转移和交换。
哥伦布交换 (Columbian Exchange) 是指哥伦布发现新大陆后,新世界与旧 世界之间出现跨洲的交流现象 包括人种、文化、观念、技术、动植物 和疾病等交换 哥伦布的交...
It is a fascinating tale. The opening of the Silk Road in the first century BC, for example, meant that knowledge of winemaking passed eastwards from the Middle East to China, while the idea of noodles moved in the opposite direction. And the “Columbian exchange” of foodstuffs between the Old and New Worlds was second in importance in food history only to the adoption of agriculture.
The Columbian Exchange 哥伦布大交换
以上来源于: WordNet