...讲祂的话〉)只有当信息真正进入讲道者的生命中,这信息才不只是「临到我们(come over us),更是「透过我们(come through us),成为见证 (witness)。
Help us to come through 请帮助我们走出困境
We remember that it is their courage, their unselfishness, their devotion to duty that has sustained this country through all its trials and will sustain us through all the trials to come.
Come running with us through the sunny forest, you will feel so good!
Our vegetables , however , come to us through a long chain of command .
"It's physiological and it's emotional." "Physiologically,we have a tendency when we come into a situation that seems dangerous we get a lot of chemicals flowing through our bodies to help us stay alert, to be able to act if we need to act.
VOA: standard.2010.07.01
Could you tell us what kind of process you went through to come here?