...内部现有流程的例子,从任何角度看这个项目都应该成功: 实施基于现有的商业软件(COTS, Commercial Off The Shelf Software) 产品负责人对现有流程有着深入的了解 团队成员具有在商业和敏捷项目实施上的成功经验 资深敏捷教练曾与...
Commercial off-the-shelf off-thepackage software route 商品化软件包开发路线
It is also important to retain information required to force decisions around what major reusable assets or commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software to use.
New software, specifically new commercial, off-the-shelf software products or new middleware products.
Imagine that some Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) software company decides it wants to be the authorization service that all must pass through to get things done.
设想某一商业现货供应(Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS))软体公司决定成为认证服务,所有事情必须先透过这个认证服务才能完成。