通常情况下,我会一个人孤零零地待着在国会大厦地下室的深处,研究《国会议事录》(Congressional Record),为参议员莫斯起草或修改演讲稿。在这里,我还碰到了其他警卫,他们都在读法学院,晚上则来兼职,有人戏称警卫服是“麦克?
...王国的皇后”;《财富》(Money)杂志形容靳羽西是“今世的马可波罗”;而目前世界上最强大的国家《议会记录》(Congressional Record) 则奖饰她为“真实的平民大使”。
Congressional Record and Journals 国会档案及记录
the Congressional Record 国会议事录
Congressional Record Text 国会记录文本
Congressional Record Bound 国会记录合集
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in the US) the government journal that publishes all proceedings of Congress (在美国)国会议事录
The congressional record lists pages upon pages of trips, including one taken by eight congressmen and three staffers to Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.
The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies is distributing 240,000 free tickets for the ceremony, which is expected to attract record crowds.
The law permits us to release case status information only to applicants, petitioners, lawyers (of record) and Congressional offices.