contents s of information
... 冗余信息redundant t information 信息量contents s of information 信息提取information n extraction ...
contents s of information
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Each says it has detailed information on more than 100 million U.S. households, though contents of their databases vary as do their rules related to data use.
WSJ: Insurers Test Data Profiles to Identify Risky Clients
Since even the messiest offices don't exhibit that behavior, the information needed to describe a room's contents could easily be contained on the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling.
FORBES: Flatland?
Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf refused to confirm details of the document's contents, but said that a deal had been reached.
BBC: Iraq and Kuwait 'settle differences'