... work contract 劳务合同 ; 劳动合同书 ; 工作合同 ; 劳动事务合同 contract note 成交单据 ; 买卖合同 ; 成交单 ; 买卖契约 contract sales 合同出售 ; 订约销售 ; 契约销售 ; 约定销售 ...
...买、售卖或交换期货合约或其他期货合约交易的合约, 但市场合约除外;或 (c) 杠杆式外汇交易合约; “成交单据”(contract note)指㆗介㆟在进行其获发牌或获豁免领牌进行的 受规管活动时与其客户或㈹其客户订立的㈲关合约的纪录文件; “保证㈮比率”(margin ...
exchange contract note [金融] 外汇合约
stamp duty on contract note 成交单据印花税
broker's contract note [经] 经纪人契约
broker's contract note detail 经纪人契约
share contract note 定购股份单
exchange contract cancellation note 外汇合约撤销单
broker contract note 经纪人契约记录
Note the distinction between reuse and reusability; don’t try to do speculative contract design for a broad range of potential future consumers that may (re)use the service.
Also note that a completely machine-readable description of a contract for a remote interface is a fallacy.
Note that Design by Contract tests can be turned off in production deployments to remove their overhead.