听起好像很学术的“库仑力”(Coulomb force),说穿了就是电荷之间的作用力,小学生都知道的异性电荷相吸、同性电荷相斥,是所有电磁学教科书一开始必定提到的现象,由此再定...
Coulomb force constant 真空电容率
mohr-coulomb force theory mohrcoulomb强度理论
electrostatic or Coulomb force 静电力或库仑力
Coulomb b force 库仑力
Coulomb Damping Force 库仑阻尼力
force Coulomb 库仑作用力
coulomb s force 库仑力
We know what an electric field is, it's just a space through which a Coulomb force operates.
We can use the Coulomb force law to explain this where we can describe the force as a function of r.
The conventional inter-particle force model, including van der Waals force, Coulomb force and image force, could not explain these interaction behaviors.
So, remember when we talk about Coulomb force, what's holding the nucleus and the electron together, there's 2 things we need to think about.
We know what an electric field is, it's just a space through which a Coulomb force operates.
So, if we think about the force that occurs between a positively and a negatively charged particle, what we have is essentially a Coulomb force, so we can describe this as a force of attraction.