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Intel CPU 处理器 ; 周期四条指令 ; 笔记本 ; 每个时钟周期四条指令
CPU Intel Pentium 英特尔奔腾
CPU-Z-Intel 参数
Intel Boxed CPU Decoder 英特尔官方查询
Intel Atom CPU 英特尔凌动中央处理器
Intel CPU uCode loading error 器在开机自检时会出现
Intel Mobile CPU 支持处理器类型
intel pentium cpu 最为人所知的应用
In PCs, Intel dictates the pace of hardware releases– OEMs essentially wait for CPU updates, then differentiate through inventory control, channel / distribution and branding.
Another example includes systems that use Intel SpeedStep or similar technology to throttle CPU power dynamically.
另一个例子是,使用Intel SpeedStep或相似技术的系统会对CPU电源进行节流。
Based on the user-agent string shown in Figure 11, you can tell that the requester is running a Mac with an Intel CPU.
根据图11中展示的user - agent字符串,就可以断定请求程序通过Intel CPU运行mac系统。