Credential Security Service Provider 凭据安全服务提供者 ; 供给者 ; 管理的特性
Enable Credential Security Service Provider 启用凭据安全服务提供程序
Security Credential 安全凭证
You specify the credential store to be used by an application in the security configuration in the application's deployment plan.
What is transmitted is an unauthenticated credential, which, depending on the security permissions configured on the EJB methods, might cause authorization failures.
所传输的是一个未经验证的凭证,根据 EJB 方法上配置的安全许可,这可能会导致授权失败。
This ensures the right login user credential is returned by the customized security plug-in to DB2.
这样确保定制的安全性插件将正确的登录用户凭证返回到 DB2。