图8 带串联补偿的FCL 图9 FCL 保护的原理电路 (4)用限流熔断器实现的FCL 限流熔断器(CLFs,current limiting fuses)是在规定的电流范围内动作,能把电流限制在比预期电 流峰值小的电器[7]。
three-phase current limiting fuse 三相限流熔断器
current-limiting fuse 限流熔断器
hv current limiting fuse 高压限流熔断器
current-limiting fuse-link 限流熔断体
current limiting fuse link 限流熔断件
phase current limiting fuse 三相限流熔断器
hybrid current limiting fuse 混合式限流熔断器
current-limiting fuse and box 限流熔断器
hybrid current limiting fuse used 混合式限流熔断器
This paper introduces the principle of a layer effect method to manufacture a new current limiting fuse for protecting high voltage potential transformers.
Adding a current limiting resistor or fuse in series with each switch will help prevent this type of damage.
Inrush current limiting resistors are designed to withstand these surges but to fuse safely should a fault occur, for example if a capacitor were to go short resulting in a mains short circuit.