...Scala 函数柯里化(Currying) 柯里化(Currying)指的是将原来接受两个参数的函数变成新的接受一个参数的函数的过程。新的函数返回一个以原有第二个参数为参数的函数。
目录 1:接受函数 2:输出函数 3:Currying(科里化) 一、接受函数 为了方便理解,都用了自定义。 代码中TakeWhileSelf 能接受一个函数,可称为高阶函数。
Function Currying 函数柯里化 ; 函数的科里化
currying preparation for skins 鞣生皮制剂
Oils for currying leather 皮革加脂用油
currying preparations for leather 皮革鞣剂
Currying preparations for skins 生皮鞣剂
currying work 修整间 ; 修整间修整
Auto Currying 自动柯里化
N-VAR Curry is a dish composed of meat and vegetables, or just vegetables, in a sauce containing hot spices. It is usually eaten with rice and is one of the main dishes of India. 咖喱
...vegetable curry.
V-T to prepare (food) with curry powder or sauce 加咖哩粉(或酱)的
PHRASE If one person tries to curry favour with another, they do things in order to try to gain their support or cooperation. 讨好某人
Politicians are eager to promote their "happy family" image to curry favour with voters.
You are currying favor with me.
Of course, Scala supports currying, as illustrated by the snippet from the Scala documentation shown in Listing 8
当然,Scala 支持局部套用,如清单 8 展示的 Scala 文档的部分片段所示
I felt like a kid in a candy store reading about junctions, currying, and all the other exciting features that Perl 6 promises.
在阅读到junctions、currying以及Perl 6将要具备的所有其他特性时,我感觉就像是小孩子走进了糖果店。