截止日期 as of date , stodate; as-of date; closing date; cut off date; cut-of date; cut ... 截止日期,期限 deadline ..
relevant cut-off date 有关截止日期
cut-off date and time 截关日期及时间
cut-off date 截止日期
inventory cut off date 盘存截止日期
cut-off date detail 截止日期
cut-off f date 截止日期
When the date came, you would cut the coupon off and go to the bank and get your interest payment.
A calendar cleanup action lets you remove your calendar entries based on a user-specified cut-off date.
We could decide to limit ourselves to only a few recent articles and cut off the list at a certain date, but here, we just copy all the items.
When the date came, you would cut the coupon off and go to the bank and get your interest payment.