... Industry sales director 行业销售总监 Database system architect 数据库系统架构师 Senior test engineer 高级测试工程师 ...
This database role is defined with the minimum rights needed by a user to access Rational System Architect encyclopedias.
该数据库角色是用访问Rational System Architect百科全书用户所需要的最低权限来定义的。
A login name for a Rational System Architect user needs a predefined set of server roles and database access rights.
Rational System Architect用户所用的登录名需要一个预定义的服务器角色及数据库访问权限。
Rational Data Architect will go through the catalog tables, also known as system tables in some database systems, and create a data model based on that information.
Rational Data Architect 将检查编目表(在某些数据库系统中也称系统表),并根据该信息创建数据模型。