为了应对新挑战,Max和同事一起,以分布式信息流控制(Decentralized Information Flow Control,DIFC)模型为基础,开发了开源Web应用安全基础设施Flume: DIFC这种安全手段,让应用程序的作...
Decentralized Information flow control (DIFC) is an approach to security that allows application writers to control how data flows between the pieces of an application and the outside world.
To respond to these challenges, Max and his colleagues have developed Flume, an open source web application security infrastructure based on a Decentralized Information Flow Control (DFIC) model.
为了应对新挑战,Max和同事一起,以分布式信息流控制(Decentralized Information Flow Control, DIFC)模型为基础,开发了开源web应用安全基础设施flume。