Note 8可选的颜色很少,有子夜黑(Midnight Black)和兰花灰(Orchid Gray),其它一些地区还有深海蓝(Deep Sea Blue)和枫叶金(Maple Gold),今年晚些时候或者明年就会推出。三星每隔几个月就会增加新颜色,真是让早期粉丝懊恼。
Deep Blue Sea 深海狂鲨 ; 水深火热 ; 深蓝海域 ; 又名深海变种或深海狂鲨
The Deep Blue Sea 蔚蓝深海 ; 湛蓝深海 ; 深海谜情 ; 深蓝的海
Deep Blue Sea 2 深蓝海域
Xuanyuan the deep blue sea 轩辕沧溟
Tristia of The Deep-blue Sea 苍之海的托里斯特阿
The sea was deep blue 海呈深蓝色
Blue deep sea 蔚蓝深海
in the deep blue sea 如同逝去的青春与那无数美好的回忆
It was the bottom of the deep blue sea.
Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smiling, give it a soft and easy grace.
A long way out in the deep blue sea there lived a fish.