...ter) 1.2.5 土的结构和构造(Soil structure) 1.3 土的三相比例指标(Phase relationship) 1.3.1 指标的定义(Definition of phase) 1.3.2 指标的换算(Conversion among phase) 1.4 无粘性土的密实度(Density of sandy-soil) 1.4.1 沙土的相对密(实)度(Relativ...
Each of the Spaces in this section, listed in alphabetical order, attempts a definition of a term such as phase space.
The RPG file open can occur implicitly during the RPG initialization phase or explicitly via the RPG open operation and the use of the USROPN keyword on the file definition.
RPG文件打开可以在RPG初始化阶段隐式发生,也可以通过RPG OPEN操作或在文件定义上使用USROPN关键字显式发生。
Work has started on the joint definition phase, a process that Comac aims to wrap up in the first quarter of 2011, following a major design review planned for the end of the year.