...关键词: 实验教学示范中心;;教学体系;;实验队伍;;实验室管理 [gap=975]Keywords: demonstration center of experiment teaching;teaching systems;experimental team;lab management ..
The experiment teaching demonstration center of our university is the construction project of the first provincial experiment teaching demonstration center.
Based on the idea of constructing demonstration center of chemistry experiment teaching, a proper teaching target is set.
As a system engineering, the biomedical experiment teaching demonstration center may face various kinds of certain or uncertain factors, and the center may even depart from the original intention.
前言: 作为一项系统工程, 生物(医学)基础课实验教学示范中心在实践过程中,会面临各种确定或不确定因素的干扰,导致“示范中心”背离建立时的初衷。