浅谈植物造景在现代城市景观设计中的应用-花木知识-天天花木网资讯平台 关键字 :植物造景;城市景观设计;园林要素 [gap=430]KEY WORDS:scene-creating-by-plant; design of urban landscape; garden factor
Image design of urban landscape 城市景观形象设计
Design of Urban Street Landscape 城市园林街景设计
Design of Urban Road Landscape 城市道路景观设计
Landscape design of urban square 城市广场景观设计
design of urban environmental landscape 城市环境景观设计
Landscape Design of Urban Roads 城市道路景观设计
The objective of the design of urban landscape road is to create a landscape ecosystem for appreciation.
With regard to cultural tradition performance, the design of urban landscape primarily involves reference to traditional forms of culture.
The physical form, or design, will often determine the longevity of an urban landscape.