...RV): 死腔量(dead space volume, VD) 顺应性(compliance) 肺换气(Gas exchange): 肺弥散量(diffusing capacity) 肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差[P(A-a)O 2 ], 肺通气功能的评价指标 肺总容量(total lung capacity,TLC): 指肺所能容 纳的最大气...
... 可扩散物质 diffusible substance 扩散能力 diffusing capacity 扩散现象 diffusing phenomenon ...
pulmonary diffusing capacity 肺弥散量 ; 肺弥散能力 ; 散量 ; 肺扩散容量
carbon monoxide diffusing capacity 弥散能力 ; CO弥散量 ; 一氧化碳弥散量 ; 一氧化碳弥散
diffusing capacity of lung 肺扩散容量
maximal diffusing capacity 最大扩散力
oxygen diffusing capacity 氧弥散功力
diffusing capacity oxygen 氧弥散量
diffusing capacity membrane 释义膜弥散量
diffusion capacity diffusing capacity 释义弥散量 ; 弥散量
以上来源于: WordNet
Two studies showed no improvement in lung function, In one study there was an improvement in diffusing capacity in the treated group.
Have Raynaud's phenomenon, arthritis, swollen hands, inflammatory myopathy, weakened esophageal peristalsis, such as reduced lung diffusing capacity.
Both healthy workers and asbestos lunge patients in a asbestos factory were investigated in 1984 and 1989 to examine their pulmonary diffusing capacity and residual volume function.