路阶层为一,称为直效行销通路 (direct marketing channel),没有中间商,直接由 公司直接销售产品给终端消费者,本个案公司亦有透过直效行销通路进行产品销
People always pay much attention to advertising in the direct channel to the end user, but neglect advertising between tourism suppliers and intermediaries in the indirect marketing channel.
Campaign management and direct online channel consultation fees by your interactive agency of record should not exceed 11%-12% of your overall Internet marketing budget.
推广管理费和直销渠道的顾问费用不应超出在线营销总费用的11% - 12%。
These tour operators tend to have great products not available via any distribution channel and their marketing can be limited to spending a few dollars on Google and other direct approaches.