...心的问题是,随着预期寿命的增长,人们是否也会活得更健康,体现在伤残调整损失寿命年(DALY,Disability Adjusted Loss Years),无残疾预期寿命(DFLE, Disability Free Life Expectance)等指标...
Excessive exposure to UV radiation caused the loss of approximately 1.5 million DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) and 60 000 premature deaths in the year 2000.
In all, reckons the World health Organisation, climate change caused a loss of 5.5m disability-adjusted life years (a measure of harm to human health) in 2000, most of it in Africa and Asia.
In total, more than 1.5 million DALYS (" disability-adjusted life years ") - a measure of the loss of full functioning due to disease and death are lost every year due to excessive UVR exposure.