我必须努力学习 » I must study hard 不要迷失自己 » Do not lose yourself 在1831年他开始了长达5年的环球科考 » In 1831 he started up to 5 years of universal subjects ..
Do Not Lose Yourself Easily 不要轻易改变自己
Do not lose yourself in the conflict and pain of the opposites.
Can love the persistent but not be humble, you can pay for each other but do not lose yourself.
When you lose hope, when you despair, when you blame people all the time, when you do not even want to try and persevere, then you choose to make life meaningless for yourself.
The way to do terrible things--One way to do terrible things is to lose yourself so you're not an individual anymore but another way to do terrible things is so that the person you're doing it to isn't an individual.