英语口语每日几句(4) ... Used for telling somebody who is angry or very excited about something to keep calm. 用于告诉因 为某件事生气或者着急的人保持沉着冷静。相当于中文里面的“稳住”,“别急”。 Examples: 1. Keep your hair on, Mum. You can hardly see the damage. 冷静点,妈妈。这东西上几乎看不出有什么损坏。 2. Keep your hair on! We’ve got plenty of time to get to the airport. 别着急,我们有足够的时间赶到机场。 Do Something For Luck 为吉利(或因传统看法)而做某事,图个吉利 为吉利(或因传统看法)而做某事, Do sth because you believe it will bring you good luck or because this is a traditional belief. 为吉 利(或因传统看法)而做某事 Examples: 1. Take something blue, It’s for luck. 挑件蓝色的东西吧,求个吉利。 2. She always casts a horoscope because in her opinion, she can keep close to luck in that way. In short, she does that for luck. 她经常占星,因为在她看来,通过这种方式,她能够离运气更近一点,简而言之,就是图个吉利。 ...