它们是:强制型(Coercive)——领导导的特点是要求马上执行,他们常用的语言是“照我们说的做(Do what I tell you)!”权威型(Authoritative)——领导的特点是动员人们向一个目标前进,他们常用的语言是“跟我们来(Come with me)!
Andy agreed with him. "I'll tell you what I am willing to do." said Andy.
VOA: special.2010.04.24
Partly to show you that it's kind of weird, but also to tell you that one of the things you want to do is exercise what I'm going to call some type discipline.
What I'm going to do for about the next 15-20 minutes is just tell you what the class operation is like so everybody knows.