Abstract: "Dodd - Frank Act"is a landmark bill, which will change the United States and world’s financial ecosystem.
An obscure provision in the 2010 Dodd-Frank banking act forces companies listed in America to disclose the exact source of metals procured from Congo.
Worries about debt in Europe and the shape that the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul rules will ultimately take, combined with the usual summer doldrums, are prompting Banks to act.
在处于对欧洲债务的担忧和Dodd - Frank财务修复法案将最终实施的形势下,同时伴随着夏季的季节性萧条,这些都在促使银行业采取行动。
To comply with the Dodd-Frank act, the FDIC must raise the fund's size to 1.35% of the industry's total deposits by 2020, up from a statutory minimum of 1.15% now.
按照Dodd - Frank法,FDIC必须在2020年之前把存款——保险基金占银行业总存款的比例从当前的法定最低比例1.15%提高到1.35%。