...976年间,布雷顿森林体系作为一个虚金而实美元的体系极大地推进了美元的国际化,美元从20世纪50年代的美元短缺(Dollar Shortage)成为70年代时的美元泛滥(Dollar Glut),美元危机的爆发标志是美元和黄金的彻底脱钩以及布雷顿森林体系这个“不兼容体系”的崩溃。
There is no absolute dollar shortage among emerging economies. They still have massive foreign exchange reserves.
Initially, the desire to accumulate foreign exchange reserves in dollars was in response the 1997-98 emerging market crises. The crises were triggered by dollar shortage.
最初,他们希望提高美元外汇储备应对1997 - 98出现的因美元短缺触发的市场危机。
And we have a form of that here in Australia when we had the holey dollar...... when we had a coin with a hole in the middle because there was a shortage of metal.