Method:Randon collection of the preoperative untherapeuticanisohistology typing colorectal cancer : DukesA phase 20 pou、DukesBphase 20 pou、DukesC phase 20 pou、DukesD phase 20 pou and normalcolorectal tissues 20 pou paraffin masses ,distribute to fivegroups ,all the paraffin masses process routine section and use theimmunohistochemical double staining,the proceed ofimmunohistochemical double staining is accoding to the reagentinstruction of American ZYMED company ,using UEA-1 and monoclonalantitype IV collagen anti-body to the tissue sections ,then observethe lymphatic capillaries 、blood capillaries and use stereologicalmethod to put the mono-network test system of cubic-network systeminto the light microscope and take the sections into the lightmicroscope ,so as to observe and assay lymphatic microvesseldensity,maximal profile average area and average perimeter , thenexert calibrator to calibrate ,the regions of assay are selected theperitumoral tissues and normal colorectal tissues Results: 1 only microlymphtics endothelial cells are stained bluecolour ,but blood capillary are stained double-deck pigmenting,bloodcapillary endothelial cells show blue and brown colour , bloodcapillary basement membranes show red colour ,the difference is veryclear .2 In the tissue sections , there is not transparent lymphaticsin colorectal cancer ,but in the peritumor matrix there are muchlymohatics .
结果;1、微淋巴管仅内皮细胞着蓝色而呈细的管腔样结构,而微血管则呈现内层蓝褐色外层红色的双层着色的管腔样结构,区别明显。 2、肿瘤实质中无明显的淋巴管,而在肿瘤周围的基质中却存在大量的微淋巴管。
参考来源 - 大肠癌中微淋巴管的定量分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Horses (and cattle) have to be shipped from one rodeo to the next, often in double-deck trailers.
The "double-deck" type employs two separate decks of steel plate over the entire tank area.
This thesis mainly studies the rebuilding design of double-deck collocated stokehold and the feasibility of it.