我最早接触到 探测术 ( Dowsing )是多年前大学时,看了一些健康素食的书,与我以前接触到的生物化学观念有许多不同,才想到进一步了解,在这些书中我接触到 探测...
...灵魂重塑是一个来自西方的「通灵疗愈法,起源于80年代的美国,整合了回应疗法(Response Therapy)、催眠治疗、灵测术(Dowsing)、能量治疗与通灵术。同时横跨了心理疗愈与灵魂疗愈的领域。
Dowsing Rod 寻龙尺 ; 探矿杖 ; 占卜杖 ; 探矿校
Dowsing Chain 就需要借助测试链
Dowsing Shaman 探源祭师
dowsing g rod 探矿杖
Dowsing bath 释义道辛浴
dowsing shutter 遮光帘
Subtle Aromatherapy & Dowsing 微妙的芳疗及水脉占卜
How to make dowsing rods 如何制作“探矿魔杖
同义词: dowse rhabdomancy
以上来源于: WordNet
V to search for underground water, minerals, etc, using a divining rod; divine 用占卜杖测探地下水源或矿脉
Dowsing has existed as early as the 15th century.
The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.
It had burst into popular consciousness a decade earlier with the publication of the Secret Life of Plants, a New Age classic which also discussed orgones and dowsing.