... 海关艇 custom boat 海锚 drag anchor 海水干湿交替腐蚀试验 alternating dry and wet test with sea water ...
The model experiment system of the new type drag anchor has been designed in this paper, which simulates the actual seabed soil, bases on certain design principle and model experimental experience.
参考来源 - 新型拖曳锚模型实验系统关键技术·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Research shows that, in the embedded movement of drag anchors, the embedded anchor chain will display a profile with reverse curvature and the anchor will reach an ultimate embedded depth.
Since the lower regions of the cable are moving slower than the higher ones, a rising car will lag behind the orbiting anchor, causing a drag on the cable that could destabilize the entire assembly.
Now you can drag the entire group as a whole by button 1's anchor.