...T joint),Y形管(Y joint),U形管(U tube) ,三颈烧瓶(3-necked flask),冷阱(liquid trapper),干燥管(drying tube),干燥器( desiccator),滴瓶、细口瓶、广口瓶(reagent bottle),普通圆底烧瓶(round flask),磨口圆 底烧瓶(ground-in r...
micro-drying tube 微量干燥管
silica gel drying tube 硅胶干燥管
U-shape drying tube U形干燥管
silk-drying tube 烘丝管
deoxidation and de-hydrocarbon drying tube 脱氧脱烃干燥管
fuel transfer tube drying space 燃料转运通道干燥间
Drying heating-tube power 干燥段发热管功率
Test-tube rack With drying posts 带干燥柱的试管架
tube rack With drying posts 带干燥柱的试管架
The gas used in GC must be dry, so it have to pass a drying tube first.
The pneumatic drying device saves the tubing of the drying tube without causing cut tobacco loss in the drying process.
After changing the suspension acid distributing tank into tube acid distributor, service life of the drying and absorption towers has been extended effectively.