本书为考生提供了翔实的备考资料和官方权威指导,是考试必备用书 E-mail and Letter (邮件信函) How to Use This Book (如何使用本书) ..
The longest assignment could be a cover letter, and even that might be streamlined to a networking E-mail.
The internet makes tricky, or mobility-dependent tasks simpler: there's no need to go out and post a letter when you have e-mail.
网络使得一些复杂的,或者依赖于灵活性的工作变得简单。 当你可以发电子邮件的时候你就不必出门去发一封实体信。
Personal mail, a small slice of letter volumes, has proven more resilient in the crisis but is also migrating to e-mails, text messages and social-networking sites.