earls court exhibition centre
多亏了巨大的伦敦伯爵宫展览中心(Earls Court Exhibition Centre),今年的看秀人数将大大超过往年。它最多可以容纳两万名观众,而过去四年里,秀场被限制在纽约列克星敦大道的军械库了,那里只容...
Liam(Oasis成员)放弃了周二晚和孩子们一起度过的天伦之乐,冒雨赶到伯爵阁展览中心(Earls Court Exhibition Centre),只为了领受这个奖杯然后将其抛入人群,以此来证明他对这一切是多么腻烦且毫不在乎。
...了我两个关于家具方面的调查问题,回答后对方给了我一个编号,说是周六会在伦敦的伯爵展览中心(Earls court exhibition centre)举办活动,到时候会有现场抽奖。可我在苏格兰明显不能参加。
earls court exhibition centre
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Some of its earliest contracts included helping to build London's Earls Court Exhibition Centre and stands at Manchester City's former Maine Road stadium.
BBC: Costain says Mouchel rejected bid approach
In February, Abramovich pleaded his case for a a new 65, 000-capacity stadium on the site of the Earls Court exhibition centre in west London.
FORBES: Connect